
LAB 5 continued + Midterm “Observation”

everyone in the class was in the lab last night. i spoke to people about creative ideas. 5 of us decided to make an application that would allow each person to use a sensor to create a different colored line onscreen. the coding was an issue, since essentially only one of us is a strong coder. we were successful in having our application work for two sensors, but getting the others to read and draw as we hoped they would was more difficult that expected.

additionally, i met with dave and bob a few times about our project. the action for our project will take place on a stool using a bike wheel and animation with a strobe. the goal of the activity is to create an interactive piece of art referencing marcel duchamp’s work. the observer or user would stand next to the object and use a hand to spin the wheel. the strobe would adjust to the speed of the rotation and animate a gate or specific position on the perimeter. the person would need to be balanced and focus their attention on the gate to witness the animation. this person could also be observed by a third party as a piece of artwork. it is engaging because it takes a piece of dadaist work and continues in my opinion on a dadaist theme, as seeing a person spin a wheel and watch an animation isn’t necessarily aesthetically captivating. but what keeps the idea interesting is that we are taking a static object and adding physical and visual motion, as well as programming, light and interaction. it is much more dynamic and a learning tool. we have not yet recorded the action or created the prototype, but when we do, i’m sure we’ll be able to observe some patterns. also the medium is inviting as a wheel asks to be spun. with attachments and lights involved, a person who notices the object has little choice but to run up and spin it. prototype to come…



got my jameco catalog yesterday! i feel a little more like a true ITP’er now.


LAB 5 processing/arduino

building the board and inputting the code to arduino/processing was simple enough, and i’m reminded of etch-a-sketch by this sample program. the design of the code seems very clean to me– i look forward to taking programming classes in the next term to advance those skills. as for pcomp, hopefully i’ll come up with something creative and interesting by wednesday’s class.. and get our midterm ideas pulled together to. ay!


LAB 4 – spin that ‘bottle’

i made a motor move today. yay. i was messing with the code a little to see how the numbers would change the motion of the motor versus the potentiometer. i didn’t notice much diffence though honestly. the motor just seemed to sound a little different and would only rotate 180 degrees. i was hoping to move it several rotations… maybe it’s just a problem with the motor itself. anyway, i decided to make a version of the popular drinking game: spin the bottle. glass is dangerous… ha.


ryan griffis + trevor paglen

more reaction when i get a second. . . ah!

Ryan Griffis – tours.. interesting activism
Trevor Paglen – black world.. damn, expose them


LAB 3 love meter + cross walk observation

The basic lab was straightforward. Here’s my individual video.

The creative portion was less simple. Tim, Florica, and I worked on the a project together again. We are a nice little team. Our idea was to use Tim’s joysticks as the variable sensors and produce some sort of flashy light display. But we decided instead to modify the code and make use of the monitor feature in the Arduino environment to make a text based “love meter.” Figuring out which sensors corresponded to which pins was tedious. The code also gave us several problems, but Tim’s expertise helped us be successful. See this video here.

I need to remember to bring in my own wire cutters and remember to ask Greg about ____ (something) drill bits.

Observation- Part 1

So I noted several people using technology this weekend . . . Saturday the 10th.

– I wake up to my roommates’ noise… alarm, cell phone ringtone, television, music.
– Laundromat at Frankin and St Johns. People are watching tv, purchasing tokens, and using washers and dryers.
– Franklin stop in BK (2/3, 4/5 lines). People using machines to charge their MTA cards. People swiping their cards. One machine not in service.
– Train not too full. 3 people in my view listening to portable music devices. 1 person seemingly checking text messages or playing a game on his cell phone.
– Atlantic/Pacific station in BK. Switching to the D to Manhattan. Radio announcement says something I cannot understand. People are using Ipods.
– East Village. More people using cell phones and Ipods walked in the street. Streetlights, walk/stop signs. Cars driving around.
– Friend’s apartment. I use the buzzer to say “Yee.” Door automatically unlocks and I take elevator up. Television, music, wireless internet.
– Nothing new after 19:00h.

Observation- Part 2

I’m in Manhattan on the northeast corner of Houston and Broadway. There is a woman standing on a sidewalk facing west. She looks uptown, straight ahead, and around. She waits. Cars begin to slow. She steps forward, looks up and stops. The sign she watches changes – red hand becomes a white human outline. She steps forward and looks at the moving car closest to her. It stops. She takes a small, quick step back. She crosses the street. Meanwhile, she is wearing earbuds and carrying an Ipod. As she steps from the street to the sidewalk across the street, she looks down at the Ipod, adjusts it with her hand, and continues walking.

~7 Steps
. look around and at light signal
. wait
. step forward
. look at car
. react
. walk
. adjust handheld device

There are three devices (street signs, car, Ipod). The car “listens” to the street signal once and the woman once. The woman “listens” to the street signal twice, the car once, and the ipod once. The ipod listens to the woman once. The street signals do not listen to their surroundings. They are not interacting since they are preprogrammed?

After further reflection, it seems to me that perhaps the street signs are not so interactive, or that there are too many bodies included in this observation. There are two people, one of which is in control of a car. This person responds to a predefined light signal. The other person responds to a light signal as well, but moreso the car, since a reaction to safety takes priority over a reaction to a light indicator. The ipod also plays into the equation as it could potentially have disrupted the woman’s attention to the walk light signal and the vehicle.

The improvement for the scenario I think would be both functional and aesthetically pleasing. Perhaps we could remove the poles and signals for walking, and insert devices in the actual crosswalk. As cars have red and green lights, people would too, but they could simply view downward instead of up and around. Also, these lights would be triggered not only in sequence with the traffic lights, but also by the speed and weight of oncoming cars, thereby also indicating to the passenger if it is safe to step into the street.


scp + bill brown… flurry of end-of-week rambling

wooo! today’s class was mind pushing. there were lots of ideas thrown around that i haven’t really discussed with people much at all, and it was really good to have such a strong energy/guest speaker come in. we talked about this panoptic notion that to me is basically an architectural structure giving an athority a vantage point to control all the prisoners or lab specimens. the structure becomes a machine that gains information and maintains order based on division and power hierarchy. it relates to a plan for a response to the plague, but the concepts do differ. bill brown talked alot very passionately and articulately about his group, which seem very intelligent and motivated, and i think he embraced lightweight the idea of being a punk. though there were more relevant and practical or whatever ideas in his presentation, what stuck with me most was when he created a picture in my mind of society if people realized that working 5 days a week is not necessary for our world to function, and that the authorities or structural ideologies or ruling concepts or whatever would allow for people tot work a half day a week or something. the result could be utopia (or chaos), but in this semi fictitious scenario, lets just say it would be heaven. if people had 6.5 days to think about who they are, what they want to do with their free time and accomplish with their life, instead of worrying about other responsibilities like paying bills or putting food on the table, fixing social problems, raising children, making art, playing sports, retiring early…whatever, what would happen? what would people do? what would human nature be like if we have all our needs met by a half day of work, but we still have our technology and understandings of modern day. essentially, what would happen if everyone could nearly retire whenever they chose too? self reflection would be everything, but if one were to retire early, what would they even have to reflect upon? would people just observe? everything we do is founded on our development into a society and changes so much with every week, month, so on. what if our environment were much more open, free…surplus’s everywhere. i guess i havent thought about heaven since i was little. now i’m thinking about it again i suppose, but in the real world without angels and clouds and all taht. hmmm…. back to work/school/socializing for now. hopefully my actions or hustle now will bring me to a point where i know what i want and want to do, and situate me in a place where i have the resources or connections to make things happen. hopefully my mind will continue to evolve in a productive and interesting way. hopefully our planet survives longer than me and my potential grandchildren, but really for humans (and plants and animals) as a whole.


LAB 2 arduino dos

so florica, tim, and i had a couple ideas with our working arduinos. we first wanted to set up two lines of led’s that would race. with the limitations of resistors available and the probability of getting it working in time, we decided to go with a similarly competitive idea, but more practical, and one that lends itself to interactive play, involving three people even. we have a total of four “battling” lights, that respond to our red-button inputs and two led’s that indicate start and stop. in my mind, this is essentially a combat video game, but with a very, very limited graphic display and controller interface. please check out the video below. the sound effects were done spontaneously through voice. maybe we’ll incorporate audio into a later project for real.

battle light fun video


LAB 2 arduino

so i needed to reinstall the arduino environment, after a fellow itp’er pretended to install it for me. o nonsense..hehe. the installing w the drivers was simpe though. worked fine. setting up the breadboard was pretty straightforward, although the leds were extremely dim when i used the resistors. a little odd. so i took them out. the switch and arduino program worked just fine. i’m looking forward to getting this blinking light to work without the delay function, and coming up with a creative application. however, i have to run now and watch some football game and consume food and beverage.

see you tomorrow or tuesday itp lab. and new! –> video


CAE flow of thought

so it’s thursday, the day before friday, class day. as of last friday, one of the tasks of my daily routine was to read, digest, interpret, write 8 pages, and prepare to guide a half hour discussion about the first chapter of a book called eletronic civil disobedience, by a group called the critical art ensemble.

so far, i’ve read, i’ve digested, i’ve outlined, written 3-4 pages of material, spoke with the professor, and poked through the many related paths via wikipedia. while i feel 4-5 more pages wouldn’t be disastrously difficult to complete tonight, i also feel overwhelmed now by the vastness of the topic of tactical media (and by the constraints of a day job and the body’s requirement for sleep).

now, instead of plugging away at the pages and discussion questions production, i’ve decided to step back and think freely with my fingertips on the keys. my hope is that this will ultimately enhance the quality of the paper and assist the clarity of my thoughts in general. it’s always fun to read back through rough times as well, and feel good that they’ve passed. ok, so here goes.

cae is a group of 5 folks originally, and possibly still now. one of them was arrested or charged with felonies after reporting his wife’s death, because he had various instruments in his home that were suspicious, which he had used for art installations. i’m pretty sure he’s still not clear, because there’s an ongoing fund to protest the whole deal. the group is politically active using tactical media. they are artists with similar political perspectives who want to use artistic expression and tech skills to create positive change. they seem to understand authority (a tiny word) pretty well and how it has evolved over time. they use writing as a major method of resistance to this authority, as well as installations in the physical public domain and the virtual public domain.. these are all words i’m not used to using, but it’s fun to learn eh.

in the chapter i was to digest, cae comes with a pretty persuasive force. in the context of the basic tactical media research i’ve done, they describe essentially the context in which electronic civil disobedience is born, where it lives, and where it needs to go. they lay out the history of authority.. the castles, capital, institutions… centralized, physical masses really, that were about control, supremacy, power, domination, wealth.. these sorts of things. next i believe, comes their discussion of how all that is today. it has evolved. it’s now decentralized, invisible, nomadic.. and therefore no longer vulnerable to old means of activism. the new civil disobedience has to evolve as well. one of the keys then for modern society to resist authoritarian power then is to evolve as well, to begin or grow the usage of tactics that are strategic and decentralized and powerful. that’s the gist of the beginning. there’s a whole lot of other ideas in there umm… social order, disruption, cyberpolice, division of labor, criminality/curiosity…lalala, all related, but what’s kinda interesting is the switch cae makes from basic what’s going on to this is what needs to happen…very clearly. build cells. make sure they’re self sufficiently strong and attack. sure, there’s some avant-garde theoretical more more stuff in there, but they know stuff is wrong and they take direct action in virtual ways. ok, so there’s too much to get into in my opinion, which is why i needed to step away from the paper itself …

in relation to the readings we’ve done so far by mcluhan and benjamin, this is all related, yes surprise. tactical media…medium is the message…art/reproduction/mechanical… use this new stuff for political good. makes sense….

the indentations are interesting. flesh machine hmm… this stuff is interesting for real. i wanted to jump start my curiosity with the class, and at least we’ve achieve that. hope tomorrow goes ok.

. . . access . cell . community . technocratic avant-garde . counter strategy . flow . disrupt . resist . block . disobedience . trespass . r&d . marketing . value . social organization . division of labor . order . negotiation . hacker-activist schism . pluralism . institution . power . elite . centralized . hidden . capital . authority . domination . cyberspace . virtual information . representation . profit . cyberpolice . hidden . nomadic . curiosity . criminality . intent . property . punishment . . .

[back to work and then the actual paper some more]