
scp + bill brown… flurry of end-of-week rambling

wooo! today’s class was mind pushing. there were lots of ideas thrown around that i haven’t really discussed with people much at all, and it was really good to have such a strong energy/guest speaker come in. we talked about this panoptic notion that to me is basically an architectural structure giving an athority a vantage point to control all the prisoners or lab specimens. the structure becomes a machine that gains information and maintains order based on division and power hierarchy. it relates to a plan for a response to the plague, but the concepts do differ. bill brown talked alot very passionately and articulately about his group, which seem very intelligent and motivated, and i think he embraced lightweight the idea of being a punk. though there were more relevant and practical or whatever ideas in his presentation, what stuck with me most was when he created a picture in my mind of society if people realized that working 5 days a week is not necessary for our world to function, and that the authorities or structural ideologies or ruling concepts or whatever would allow for people tot work a half day a week or something. the result could be utopia (or chaos), but in this semi fictitious scenario, lets just say it would be heaven. if people had 6.5 days to think about who they are, what they want to do with their free time and accomplish with their life, instead of worrying about other responsibilities like paying bills or putting food on the table, fixing social problems, raising children, making art, playing sports, retiring early…whatever, what would happen? what would people do? what would human nature be like if we have all our needs met by a half day of work, but we still have our technology and understandings of modern day. essentially, what would happen if everyone could nearly retire whenever they chose too? self reflection would be everything, but if one were to retire early, what would they even have to reflect upon? would people just observe? everything we do is founded on our development into a society and changes so much with every week, month, so on. what if our environment were much more open, free…surplus’s everywhere. i guess i havent thought about heaven since i was little. now i’m thinking about it again i suppose, but in the real world without angels and clouds and all taht. hmmm…. back to work/school/socializing for now. hopefully my actions or hustle now will bring me to a point where i know what i want and want to do, and situate me in a place where i have the resources or connections to make things happen. hopefully my mind will continue to evolve in a productive and interesting way. hopefully our planet survives longer than me and my potential grandchildren, but really for humans (and plants and animals) as a whole.

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