DesignForConstraints FlashOfFlash LiveWeb Miscellaneous

Morning thinking aint bad

I got a good night’s rest last night and woke up with possible project ideas on the brain, initially for my Flash course. The train of thought gained enough momentum that I decided to boot up and write a little to start my day…

Flash is an application that motivates and reassures me sometimes. Why? Well, it’s a piece of software that combines technical coding (with Action Script) and visual design (with the ide). It’s a blend similar to ITP itself — on a micro or macro level, depending on your perspective. AS3 specifically seems to be more hardcore than AS1 or AS2, more closely related to other object oriented programming languages, so that’s positive in the sense that my draw to the application will automatically force me to improve my “engineering” self. And there’s Flex and Flex builder for development, which I still don’t fully understand, but seem beneficial, much the same as Eclipse is beneficial for Java and other software development. The ide with Photoshop-like tools and a timeline is much more natural for me to use, since I would consider myself a visually oriented person, and my instances of “flow” generally occur when I’m creating something visual. I remember spending many hours in a foundation design course on simple assignments, not because I hadn’t fulfilled the requirements already, but because I was so wrapped up in analyzing different possibilities until my eye was satisfied.

Anyway, needless to say, I think Flash is great, and I will improve my skills with it with time undoubtedly. But this entry should be more about my ideas interconnecting coursework and general career path / project direction. I took a class with Amit Pitaru called Designing for Constraints last year. It wasn’t a stressful course, but it was challenging, built new skills, and exposed my mind to various new concepts, which is really my ideal course. In the context of this mornings brainstorming, it is relevant for a couple reasons. 1- Amit is an interesting instructor and I suspect a really cool person, whose path I’d like to know better and potentially follow, and 2- I made a game in his class called Burbujitas, which I could work on evolving now. If I do expand the game, it would become a project both for Flash and Live Web; it would be significant enough to serve as a fundamental direction/pillar in my ITP work.

The game itself would be assistive, education, and social. The primary audience would be paralyzed individuals who are learning to use sip-and-puff technology and would benefit from a connection with others experiencing the same lessons who might be living in different parts of the world. In short, Burbujitas is a 2-player, lightly (ferociously) competitive game, with a goal of improved coordination and a prize of victory and virtual ice-cream delight. At this point, the controls are marginal and the design functional. As a Flash project, I could take the graphics and animation to the next level and migrate the code to AS3. As a Live Web project, I could add live video screens around or in the game itself to allow players to view their competitor in real-time. This would require the use of shared objects and the Flash Media Server.

Further, I attended a Web2NewYork networking event last night in the Lower East Side (LES), where four groups of young entrepreneurs pitched their concepts to what seemed to be a room full of middle-aged venture capitalists. How does this relate? So, there’s an overload of information in my generation, and ITP, a graduate program focused on technology and the information age doesn’t exactly reduce the amount of information, though it does offer ways of filtering and understanding the information at times. This perhaps is why I’m so drawn to meditation/sleep, exercise, and dreams as a form of escape. Additionally, maybe it’s part of why I want to keep “quality of life” at the core of my work. Getting back to the event last night, I’m reminded that much of what my peers and I are reading and thinking about is designing for and actually building the future of technology and thus the future of interaction and society. I’ve put myself in an environment where staying on the cutting edge is the aim. In one sense, I think of this as progressive thought and infinitely important. On the other hand, I think it’s super challenging to come up with original ideas for the traditional privileged audiences that seem to be easier to keep in sight. So, as the masses move forward, are their populations needing better designs, needing universal designs? Clearly. What’s keeping me from having my focus there?

End brain dump. A good night of sleep is… good.

CourseDescriptions DesignForConstraints

Designing for Constraints (2008 Spring)

Instructor: Amit Pitaru

Whether we design an application for the small touch-pad of a cell phone, a game for an elderly user, or produce art through a self-defined conviction, our work is often driven by constraints – some chosen, others imposed. With digital technologies, one other constraint is our own ability to keep up with the ever-shifting tools that we use. Does this perpetual learning-curve stifle our creative process? Or in contrast, can an abundance of technical know-how cloud a simple vision? The goal of this course is to make work that is fueled by the positive constraints (our audience, our vision) rather then the damaging ones (our lack of ability to know everything about the tools we use). Through weekly assignments, we draw ideas and production techniques from art, game design, music (sound-art), cognitive science and universal-design, towards an understanding of how to carry our initial ideas through a development process, without compromising quality and clarity of vision. For a final assignment students are asked to create a project for a specific target audience, defined by age/gender/race/culture and ability. The goal is to allow oneself a space for exploration while working towards a focused result. Some ideas for projects may include simplifying an application for the growing elderly population (can grandmama really use that fancy Nokia phone?), a software game based solely on audio (ever played doom without a monitor in a dark room?), or an art-piece that clearly conveys your artistic intentions with a digital medium (think of interactive art that’s not utterly frustrating/annoying for gallery goers). In either case, we test our work early and often (starting mid semester), learn to identify problems, and solve them through an iterative design process. When needed, software examples are programmed using Processing. We also use simple p-comp modules to quicken exploration (such as custom keyboard emulators). A fair understanding of ICM and P-comp is required, as you will be asked not to spend the majority of your energy learning new technologies, but rather make best of what you already know. That’s one of the course constraints.


final version of Burbujitas

the game can be played using LEFT and RIGHT keys

you can play the game:

and view the working homemade sip’n’puff devices, which were designed to work with an iPac.


dfc 10

time has been dense. regarding the game, the plan i set out for myself fell between the cracks. the good news is, i still have two weeks. the bad news is, i don’t see how the coming weeks can be much different than the previous several.

my game now has a name — burbujitas, which means “little bubbles” and targets a latino audience, following a bubble blowing trend/phenomenon in mexico. the concept has remained fairly constant. i wanted to learn flash, develop my creative process, and produce a game that would be used by people of any age-group, but more likely children, who are into ice cream, bright colors and sounds, competition, and fun. the users are to test their lung capacity against one another, to balance their drive with a need to stay conscious, both in real life and in the game, and to essentially lightly strategize to get the prize. i’ve learned that while i’m drawn to working on the aesthetics of the mda structure, the mechanics are more challenging and captivating as well. the difficulty w the mechanics has kept me from really being able to address the dynamics, unfortunately.

progress includes:

-an improved interface, with scene changing functionality

-a scoring system that reveals the winner

-attempts with photo interrupters and ir emitter/detector pairs for the controlling units

challenges include:

-utilizing a timer function “to put a player to sleep”

-building controllers that function

-improving user feedback on the main screen and creating a more exciting conclusion


something weird i just realized when testing is that with each rematch, the sleepycount no longer decrements by 1, but instead by the number of rematches (i.e. down by two the first rematch, down by three the second rematch, etc.) — maybe a cool feature, but not sure why it happens.
burbujitas v. b5


dfc 08

Considering the various class assignments this semester, which problems have you identified in your design process? In other words, what were the biggest barriers that prevented you from accomplishing what you’ve hoped you could? Where there particular assignments that were more difficult then others? If so, which factors caused this? Discuss the relationship between the creative process, your personal work habits, and technical skills.

this may seem a bit dramatic, but the design process i’ve adapted seems to lack general foundation / direction. if i had a more specific background, a particularly strong skill set, or programming knowledge, i think my difficulties would be fewer. i do appreciate my interdisciplinary / unusual background, but it’s a challenge to pull things together in a cohesive way. a temporary obstacle i’ve been experiencing is related to time management, but moreso an actual lack of available time to manage.

i think the creative instinct in me tends to run through all kinds of memories and mental images and senses, scanning for something bright or interesting. it’s very open-ended and hazy, like a dream. (birds, particle systems, streaming things…foggy lights, and buckets of color, fluid movements.. elegant and curvacious women… rich nights with soothing rhythmic vibes and .. let me stop, cause i don’t know where this is going, but i know there must be patterns in there).

my personal work habits are basically the opposite. they are concrete and much more organized. i make lists. i use calendars. i love maps. planning ahead usually gives me comfort, and i will spend hours on a task overlooking sometimes food or rest.

the skills i have are pretty basic –html and processing, some photoshop… i’m trying to get a grip on php, sql, and flash this semester. my social skills aren’t really technical, but i feel they’re more developed for whatever reason. i try to connect these areas to make some sort of sense. i continuously want to contribute to a greater, big-picture good, while being conscious of a practical need to survive/live comfortably. external v internal drive.

so it seems, i need to be able to hone in on a subject, a project, and feel it’s worth the time and energy to explore and complete. i need more hard skills. i need a more efficient system, a network.

the assignments in this class have revealed pieces of the design process and ways of thinking of it. i wish i had documented more so through the course of the semester (i think i didn’t because the blog i’m writing in seems temporary and i feel very little ownership of it), but overall i think the concepts i’ve taken at this point are to seriously consider scope and audience of a project first, user test prototypes asap, know strengths and weakness and act accordingly to bring an idea to a final state. i was reminded that i like to use my hand to sculpt objects. i reinforced that i need more time to understand coding structures. i realized that my career path really needs to change directions now. time again is running out.

Propose a final project that will address the issues mentioned above. Describe in detail what you hope to achieve through this project, and the steps that you think are necessary for you to take in order to succeed.

in retrospect, i think continuing with my game could actually address these issues. i will extend my network, since i’m sure i’ll run into more tech difficulties. i will get user feedback, which will inform design decisions. i will further my understanding of mda and ingrain it into my process. i won’t need to begin the “what-should-i-do” brainstorm phase from scratch, so i already have focus, and this product could be marketed and mass produced.

steps: 1) make each of these steps more precise and give an actual deadline. 2) expand search for similar games. 3) get help w the functionality of the gameplay. intro scene, scoring limit and asynchronous actions, end scene. 4) improve prototype of controller. 5) user test to decide which visual elements are good/bad and how the controller feels. 6) revise animations, rewards, controllers.

_addendum: steps 1-3 can be combined into one week. the user test can be 1 person. i can expand to a second person also. the aim can include motivation to eat and to exercise lungs/body, as opposed to working in staring, static position.


dfc 07 – 2

Interaction design as means for behavior modification: Write a short blog entry about how the interaction design of an everyday device/system affects the behaviour and social patterns of its users. Do you approve of the behavioral patterns that the device imposes? If not, how would you redesign the device towards a healthier user behavior and habit?

my streams of thought so far have included big, sort of far-reaching systems with smaller tangent pieces slightly attached. they are mainly tied to ideas around designing for routines with which i take issue: a static office environment, public transportation, acquaintance etiquette .. i dunno, i need to organize my thoughts more and revise this, but i like the direction that this train of thought points me.


dfc 07 – 1

Mechanics: The rules and materials that the game is made of.
Dynamics: The real time events that take place when a player engages the mechanics.
Aesthetics: The state of mind and emotional engagement that the player experiences as result of the Dynamics.

MDA for BURBUJITAS (little bubbles)

there are 2 players and each player controls an onscreen/flash character w one switch. the objective is to win the ice-cream cone. a player wins by blowing bubbles. the combination of quantity and strength of the bubbles blown will determine the winner. 100 points wins the ice-cream. each min strenth bubble blown is worth 5 points. each max strength bubble blown is worth 20 points (and -5 points for opponent). bubble strenth can range from 5-20 points. each player has a bubble pipe with a ball attached. when the player blows into the pipe, the bubble meter will increase while the ball is floating. when the ball drops, the bubble will be blown. if a player blows more than X bubbles within X seconds, their character takes a nap for X seconds, giving the opponent “free time” to increase points without opposition. this has all to be coded successfully.

the intended areas are challenge, fellowship, expression, and sense pleasure. the background music, sound effect, controllers, and visual choices are targeted toward a young audience with simple cognitive and blowing abilities. the overall theme is one of innocent play with a brightly colored treat as the ultimate reward. the title suggests a spanish speaking audience. i selected it as an option after learning that bubble blowing is big a craze in the toy industry in mexico (right Anaid?).

this involves opponent play and a time element to create a dual challenge and a sort of fellowship. the competitive nature or lack thereof from each player is a form of expression. choosing to blow few big bubbles or many smaller bubbles is an expression of technique. the blowing action is intended to add a physically challenging element to the game, that could cause players to become light-headed/dizzy and need a rest, shown by the character napping feature.


dfc – 06 continued

i still don’t have a game per se at this point. i have however learned to make “power” bars, include background music, and have sound effects. i also honed in on gameplay / goal concept that’s achievable and built a semi-working prototype for a controller. a lot of the readings were helpful, and the whole mda business is brand new to me, but logical and interesting. for next steps, if we aren’t assigned something specific, i want to give the readings a second pass, get the scoring and ice-cream reward happening, and have the characters actually compete instead of mirror each other. finally, although this game is definitely aimed at a junior audience, i’ve had a theme idea or two for more mature audiences around the same framework. see it here.


dfc – 06

so i’ve taken the blowing bubbles idea and after reading through the “game prototypes in under 7 days,” i let my brain wander with ideas, i’ve come to grab some pieces that i think could maybe work together. i like the idea of soft, fluid, and shiny bubbles, combined with pressure, power, and popping. i’m thinking this game would be played by light gamers, such as someone at a boring desk job, or a parent (i.e. older folks) who might not want to get too invested in learning buttons/complexity. there are two childhood memories that came back 1) bubble bobble and 2) hungry hippos. i want to take components from these games and fit them into something i can achieve.

play bubble bobble online
read about bubble bobble

hungry hippos pic

i’m beginning to go through more flash examples/ tutorial, iand hope to get the software side going today. i’ve modified some images and started coding again. here’s a start that includes movement of the characters. my goal is to get “power bars” on the screen, and some interaction happening with the bubbles. i have a good idea of how i want the competition to work, with accumulation/capture/gravity themes in place, but i really don’t know if i’ll be able to make it happen on my own with time constraints and other responsibilities. also, i’ll try to handle the ipac-side tomorrow. hopefully it will be pretty simple. i got my hands on some soft wire and have a couple ideas for a switch. whether or not i can get my hands on those materials though is to be determined. that’s all for now…


dfc – 05

so unfortunately not much happened with week 4 for me. i wanted to tackle the interactive prototype of the thermoclock, but time constraints and some actual outdoors time with sunlight allowed flash to kick my bum. the class discussions though are improving my perspective in a way i’m really appreciating, and i feel like i’m following the thread of instruction, even though what i’m producing seems to be behind or lacking. we were to wrap up the drilling down on the software side last week and open up physically to playing with the ipac this week. i let a stupid detail prevent me from cutting my teeth on the hardware, but i did get a chance to look into the code in the flash examples and navigate my way around the application a little more, which is somewhat satisfying. hopefully i’ll get to keep working with these tools, so i don’t have to relearn again. you can check the swf here.