
final project – so i’ve added some..

documentation to the last two entries, including pictures and videos. i suppose there is a lot more detail i could go into about the process of the project, but the heart of what happened is that we started with one concept. then, we continued to develop it over time based on problems we encountered and solutions that made the most sense. in the end, we got a big bird that moved in a way we’re quite satisfied with, and we know how it would be used and how we could make improvements. the box could be covered w a type of insulation to mask the sound, since the mechanism of the wire and pulleys is pretty silent already. we could place the structure in a public space for it to be self contained and the silhoutte could be really really nice. we had difficulty when presentation time came around, as the motion sensing, light emitting unit ceased functioning at go time. we believe the unit was short circuited (most likely when i was soddering extension wires). we were still fotunately able to see what might happen with a silhouette due to some improvising in class time. charley and i worked well together. i’m thinking of making a smaller model in the future for myself, and i think i’m going to continue with the idea of flight/freedom/birds/motion/dreaminess in future projects. documentation will probably become more methodological and good looking. we’ll see. for now, we’ve learned and have a lil something to show for it.

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