
ITP social and such

After another excellent game of intramural soccer today, I realized I’ve been documenting my projects and some random thoughts, but I haven’t noted other pieces of ITP / NYU that are treating me quite well (i.e. soccer, Coles Rec Center, foosball, TNO, floor conversations). I’m not sure how well I will remember all this later on, and I don’t always have the camera on hand, so I should do myself a favor and at least leave a partial log.

Today was another soccer victory for ITP’s Baked Potatoes (don’t know where the name came from or what it means). We play on Friday mornings at 10 am at the East River Park. It’s difficult to wake up sometimes, given the time and the Thursday Nights Out, but getting the blood flowing and having some athletic comradery during the week is great. We won game #1 by forfeit (no show) against Stern, but we played a scrimmage against a Wagner team and tied 2-2. Game #2 was almost missed because we were almost ineligible with only had six players, but we recruited some young talent from the bleechers, who happened to score two goals for us. We won 5-3. Game #3 today was intense and a little violent. The Sports Business team handled the ball well until we broke their concentration with a little trash talking and aggressive play, but they started it…hehe. We won 4-2, but my ankle is a bit swollen. The Spanish-American food afterward was heavy and delicious. So in summary, we’re undefeated and will be taking our skills to the top…clearly.

Coles Rec Center has also improved my quality of life. Lifting weights, swimming, and using the sauna has been empowering and relaxing. By renting a locker and paying a small feel for fresh towels, I found a sort of oasis.

Foosball on the ITP floor is more a destraction than anything, but it is fun and I see it as preparation for building my reputation or cred at some big company down the road. My skills are mediocre, but I’m improving regularly. It’s also a good way to meet new folks and keep my humility.

TNO is Thursday Night Out. Fairly fun times with alcohol and company of the nerdy sort — is gooood.

Other parties and events have gone down, but it doesn’t really make sense to me to document every and all… That is all for now.

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