Miscellaneous RestOfYou

Ordinarily I…

Assignment: “go do something you would not ordinarily do or something haven’t had time to do this semester. Sit in the park alone for an hour, attend a lecture, go to a museum, take a boat ride, visit an old person.”

Ordinarily I…do get out and try to do things beyond of my own routine, so I guess my routine is by definition “extra-ordinary.” Ha, not really. In the sense of being outdoors though, I played soccer again on Friday, which was great, as ITP won again (yes, we’re currently undefeated). I also went to a presentation at Eyebeam and an exhibit at Bitforms on Saturday. It seemed like it had been awhile since I had done something like this, perhaps the first this semester. Given the cold and growing depth of my personal geeking, I think I’ve actually spent more time indoors this week than others, and it seems a little strange for me. For example, I spent a fair amount of time on a couple unnecessary activities 1) re-subscribing to Netflix and rating more than 400 movies and 2) installing VMware Fusion and Ubuntu. Beyond this rambling, I did do something that seems to be perhaps a better fit for this assignment. On Sunday (laundry day), we stopped and walked through Fort Greene Park to observe the annual Halloween Festival for an hour or so. It was pretty adorable. Frida Kahlo was my favorite costume.

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